Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Growing a garden

Outside the window of my story room, they are about to start building a garden. I thought it would be the perfect time to read a couple stories about flowers and veggie gardens!!

Opening Song: Shake My Sillies Out by Raffi

Book: My Garden by Kevin Henkes

Song: There's Something in My Garden (from SurLaLune Garden story time page)
There's something in my garden, now what can it be?
There's something in my garden that I can't really see.
Hear it's funny sound...ribbit ribbit
It must be a ....... FROG!!!

squeak, squeak

Book: What Does Bunny See? by Linda Sue Park

Pretend: Farmer plants a seed. (pretend to dig a hole, plant the seed, cover the seed, etc.)

Book: Lenny in the Garden by Ken Wilson-Max

Craft: Flower gardens
I passed out a white sheet of paper, crayons, and 4-5 flowers each. Then they got to be creative with their gardens!!

I'm excited to say that FMRNS is back!!!! We had taken a couple weeks off for various reasons, but we are back on track!! Now that Shoobie is over, we will have to figure out what else we can watch in addition to our movie!!

This week, we watched Coma, a mystery/thriller from 1978 with Michael Douglas, Genevieve Bujold, and Rip Torn. Fabulous, as always!!

And we are back to using Netflix!! I had cancelled my subscription for a while during the move, and just hadn't started back up again. But, the number of movies that the library has left is starting to dwindle. So, we had to look at getting Netflix again. Coma was the first in what is sure to be many movies!! We have a couple library movies lined up after this one, though... Guess we'll just have to catch up on our Project Runway!!!

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