Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Review: The Price of Life by Greg McCarthy

Eight-year-old Jennifer Haller’s brain tumor is killing her. A timely CT scan would likely have saved her, and a new surgery offers hope for a cure, but Julie Haller is crushed when their insurance company refuses to pay for her daughter’s operation.

Shortly after Jennifer’s diagnosis, Marine Captain Ed Haller loses his leg to a roadside bomb in Iraq. He comes home to rehabilitate while Jennifer wages her own losing battle with cancer and its treatment. Jennifer’s death leads the family to Fort Worth lawyer Grant Mercer, whom they hire to sue Jennifer’s neurologist.

As Mercer works the case, Julie Haller learns the results of recent tort reform efforts, including a $250,000 limit in medical malpractice cases. She and her husband realize that a quarter-million dollar price tag on a beloved eight-year-old girl is simply inconceivable. They have no interest in the money, focusing instead on their responsibility to honor their daughter by seeking justice for her death.

The murders of a lobbyist in Austin, a state senator on a remote country road, and an insurance executive in New York seem unrelated until Jennifer’s doctor is kidnapped. Mercer makes the disturbing connection between the victims and his case, and discovers how far some people will go when the usual avenues of justice are too sharply curtailed.

My Review:

First, I'd like congratulate Greg McCarthy on his debut novel! This was one of those novels that is filled with happenings that you hope you never have to deal with. First, the misdiagnosis of eight-year old's illness, then the refusal of the insurance company to pay for the surgery that would save her life. Then, the realization that no matter what, the price of your child's life is no more than $250,000.

There was quite a bit going on in this legal thriller. Though at times it seemed like too much, it still helped the story flow along with a decent pacing. Not only do we have the legal battle between the insurance company and the Haller family, we also have the murders of three prominent people who may or not be connected to this particular case. On top of all that, we have Ed Haller's emotions dealing with the loss of his leg, and finding out about his daughters diagnosis all around the same time.

Even though this novel might have been packed a little too full, I still found myself engaged and wanting to know the outcome. It didn't take me long to finish this one, and I was satisfied with the ending!

Check out Greg McCarthy's website, as well as a Sneak Peak of The Price of Life!!!

A big thanks to Jocelyn from Kelly and Hall Book Publicity for sending me a copy of this novel!

And don't forget to enter my latest GIVEAWAY!!!

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